Foietaj cu branza- Puff pastry cheese pie
Placinta cu aluat foietaj si branza. Noua ne plac tare mult placintele cu branza, aluatul nu l-am facut este cumparat, deci va fi o placinta rapida.
2 foi de aluat foietaj(cumparat)
500 gr branza de vaci sau crema de branza
5 linguri de zahar
esenta de vanilie
2 oua
5 linguri de gris
Incepem cu umplutura.
Branza, zaharul, esenta de vanilie si ouale se amesteca intr-un castron, la final se adauga grisul si se incorporeaza.
Intindem prima foaie de aluat in tava cu hartie de copt, punem compozitia de branza, cealalta foie de aluat foietaj si intepam cu furculita din loc in loc. O punem in cuprorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius si coacem pentru 30-40 min.
Puff pastry cheese pie
It is a really easy pie.
2 sheets of puff pastry
500 gr curd cheese or soft cheese
5 tablespoons sugar
vanilla extract
2 eggs
5 tablespoons coarse semolina
Let's start with the filling.
Cheese, sugar, vanilla extract and eggs are mixed in a bowl, finally add the semolina and incorporate.
Place the first sheet of dough in the tray with baking paper, we put the cheese composition, the other sheet of puff pastry and we prick with the fork from place to place. Put it in the preheated oven at 170 Celsius and bake for 30-40 minutes.
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