Oua ''Incondeiate''- Painted Eggs
Inca o metoda de a vopsi ouale sau mai bine zis de a picta ouale. Foarte simpla daca aveti rabdare :), idea am preluat-o de la o doamna draga mie, de la Dia, de la Retetele mele dragi. Eu zic ca ouale au iesit frumoase, voi ce ziceti?
10 oua
marker permanent( mai multe culori)
Degresati ouale cu Fairy si apa calduta dupa care le clatiti bine cu apa rece. Puneti ouale intr-o cratita, acoperiti-le cu apa si fierbeti-le pentru 7-8 min. Turnati apa fiarta de pe ele si puneti apa rece, lasati cateva min, apoi le scoatem pe un prosop la uscat. Luati culorile si incepeti sa pictati ce doriti, in functie de imaginatia fiecaruia.
Nice and easy with some imagination :).
10 eggs
permanent marker, different colours
Degrease the eggs with Fairy and warm water and then rinse them well with cold water. Put eggs in a saucepan, cover with water and boil for 7-8 minutes. Pour boiled water over them and put cold water, leave for a few minutes, then take them out and let them dry on a kitchen towel. Take the colours and start painting what you want, depending on your imagination.
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