Oua vopsite natural- Natural egg colouring

Dragii mei dupa cum stiti sunt o multimer de metode de a vopsi ouale. Si eu ca si voi am incercat diverse metode, de aceea am zis sa incerc si metoda aceasta cu coji de ceapa si sfecla rosie. Daca ouale sunt inchise la culoare ,  obtineti o culoare mai intensa. Sa vedem si de ce avem nevoie.
10 oua
o sfecla rosie mare
coaja de la 2 cepe galbene
un praf de sare
o lingura otet
slanina pentru a unde ouale sau ulei.
Degresati ouale cu Fairy si apa calduta dupa care le clatiti bine cu apa rece. Punem cojile de ceapa, sfecla curatata si taiata felii, un praf de sare, o lingura de otet, punem ouale si adaugam apa cat sa le acopere. Eu le-am fiert cam 10 min. Scoatem ouale cu grija sa nu se ia culoarea, le punem intr-un castron adanc si turnam zeama in care au fiert peste ele, le lasam pana a doua zi  (eu le-am facut seara, daca le faceti mai devreme lasati ouale cateva ore). Scoatem ouale pe un prosop sau servetel de hartie, le lasam sa se usuce si le dam cu ulei sau cu slanina.

Natural Colouring Eggs
There are so many ways to colour the eggs,  I have tried  few methods, and I have decided to try this one as well. Eggs colouring with brown onion and beetroot.
10 eggs
the first layers of 2 onions
a piece of a large beetroot
pinch of salt
1 TBSP of vinegar
oil to grease the eggs in the end.

Degrease the eggs with Fairy and warm water and then rinse them well with cold water. Put the onion peels, cleaned and sliced ​​beets, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of vinegar, put the eggs and add enough water to cover them. I boiled them for about 10 minutes. We take out the eggs being careful not to take the colour, we put them in a deep bowl and pour the juice in which they boiled over them, we leave them until the next day (I made them in the evening, if you make them earlier leave the eggs for a few hours ). Remove the eggs on a towel or paper napkin, let them dry and grease them with oil.


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