Cea mai buna SAVARINA- The best Savarin

Savarinele, unul dinte cele mai aromate si insiropate deserturi. Am facut multe retete de savanine, dar parca nu erau prea pe gustul meu . Am dat de aceasta reteta la o doamna draga mie, la Simona Callas, asa deci am preluat de la ea reteta, care se gaseste AICI

300 gr faina
un praf de sare
un pliculet de drojdie(7 gr) sau 15gr drojdie proaspata
o lingura zahar
125 ml lapte cald
esenta de vanilie(jumate de lingurita)
1 ou
o lingura de ulei
mai aveti nevoie de ulei si pentru uns formele cu o pensula

1,5 l apa
8 linguri zahar
o lingura esenta de rom

un borcan de dulceata ( eu am folosit capsuni), puteti folosi si zmeura
300 ml frisca lichida sau smantana pentru frisca
3 linguri zahar pudra.

Punem drojdia cu lingura de zahar intr-un pahar si cu putin lapte din cel amintit mai sus, lasam 5-10 minute sa se dizolve. Punem intr-un bol, faina, oul, sarea, uleiul si esenta de vanilie, apoi adaugam drojdia si mixam pana obtinem un aluat elastic, nelipicios. Se unge cu ulei si se lasa la dospit pana isi tripleaza volumul.
Formele se ung cu ulei, se ia din aluat si se formeaza bile care se pun in forme. Se acopera si se mai lasa o data la dospit cam 30 min. Se coc in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius, 30-40min, pana se rumenesc, se scot si se lasa la racit.

Int-un vas se pune 1,5 l apa, zahar si esenta de rom, se amesteca pana se dizolva zaharul.
Frisca se bate cu cele 3 linguri de zahar pudra.

Se taie putin din savarine ca sa fie drepte. Se scufunda pentru 2-3 secunde in sirop si se lasa inca vreo 5 secunde sa se imbibe. Se scot pe tava, se taie un capacel, se pune dulceata, frisca ,capacelul iar deasupra iar punem dulceata.


Nowadays is called Savarin, but it ancestor was called Rum Baba.

300 gr flour
a pinch of salt
a sachet of yeast (7 gr) or 15gr of fresh yeast
a spoonful of sugar
125 ml warm milk
vanilla extract (half a teaspoon)
an egg
a tablespoon of oil
you also need oil to grease the shapes with a brush

1,5 l water
8 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of rum extract

a jar of strawberry or raspberry jam
300 ml cream
3 tablespoons of icing sugar

Put the yeast with a spoonful of sugar in a glass and with a little milk from the one mentioned above, let it dissolve for 5-10 minutes. Put in a bowl, flour, egg, salt, oil and vanilla essence, then add the yeast and mix until you get an elastic, non-sticky dough. Grease with oil and leave to rise until it triples in volume. Grease the moulds with oil, take them out of the dough and form balls that are put into moulds. Cover and leave to rise again for about 30 minutes. Bake in the preheated oven at 170 Celsius, 30-40min , until golden brown, remove and leave to cool.

In a bowl put 1.5 l of water, sugar and rum extract, mix until the sugar dissolves.
Beat the cream with 3 tablespoons of icing sugar.
Cut a little of the savarin to make it straight. Immerse for 2-3 seconds in the syrup and let it soak for another 5 seconds. Remove from the syrup and place them on a tray, cut a lid, put the jam, whipped cream, the lid on top and put the jam again.


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