Drob de pui-Chicken loaf

 Drobul este traditional de Paste, dar se face din organe de miel, eu am ales sa fac din pui pentru ca imi era pofta tare.
500 gr ficat de pui
un piept de pui (250-300 gr)
2 oua fierte
2 oua crude
 o ceapa
patrunjel- o lingurita
marar-o lingurita
sare -dupa gust
piper-dupa gust
Punem la fiert ficatul de pui si pieptul de pui separate, dupa ce s-au fiert le punem la scurs si le lasam sa se raceasca. Calim ceapa tocata in putin ulei si o lasam la racit.
Tocam ficatul si pieptul de pui si le punem intr-un bol, adaugam ceapa, sare, piper, marar si patrunjel(eu am folosit marar si patrunjel uscat, daca aveti proaspat si mai bine, da o aroma mai buna).
Amestecam ingredientele iar apoi adaugam 2 oua crude si din nou amestecam. Intr-o tava mica de chec, punem hartie de copt, punem o tremie din compozitie, punem ouale fierte, punem cealalta parte de compozitie si coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius pentru 40 min.


500 gr chicken liver

a chicken breast (250-300 gr)
2 boiled eggs
2 raw eggs
one onion
one teaspoon of dried parsley
one teaspoon dried dill
Season with salt and pepper as you like.

We boil the chicken liver and the chicken breast separately, after they have boiled we drain them and let them cool. Chop the onion and cook  the onion in a small amount of oil and let it cool. Chop the liver and chicken breast and put them in a bowl, add onion, salt, pepper, dill and parsley (I used dill and dried parsley, if you have fresh, better, it gives a better flavour). Mix the ingredients and then add 2 raw eggs and mix again. In a small loaf pan, put baking paper, put a quilt of the composition, put boiled eggs, put the other part of the composition and bake in the preheated oven at 170 Celsius for 40 min.


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