Scoici St. Jack Patagoniene cu legume- Patagonian Scallops with vegetable

Imi plac tare mult fructele de mare, scoicile, pestele, intotdeauna am vrut sa mananc scoici St. Jack. Sunt scumpe, ce-i drept dar merita. Eu am gasit doar micute, nu mari cum as fi vrut dar sunt bune si este si pentru prima data cand am facut. Va spun cu siguranta ca se gatesc foarte usor, cateva minute doar pe ambele parti.
200 gr scoici
2 morcovi mari
2 pastranaci mari
2 linguri de mazare( eu am folosit congelata)
50 gr unt
1 catel de usturoi
1 lingura de zahar.
Incepem cu legumele care dureaza mai mult. Se curate morcovii si pastranacul, se spala si se taie in 4. Se pun la fiert, se fierb cam 20 min pana se inmoaie putin. Intr-o tigaie punem 25 de gr unt si o lingura de zahar, lasam untul sa se topeasca si adaugam  morcovul si pastranacul, pe langa acestea mai adaugam si 2 linguri de mazare, gatim pentru 10 min.

Scoicile se condimenteaza cu sare si piper. Se pun 25 gr unt in tigaie si usturoiul tocat, se lasa se sa topeasca untul, se pun scoicile si se gatesc cam 2-3 min pe fiecare parte.



200 gr Patagonian scallops
2 large carrots
2 large parsnip
2 tablespoons peas (I used frozen)
50 gr butter
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon sugar.

Let's start with the vegetables that take  longer to cook. Peel the carrots and parsnips, wash and cut into 4. Put them to boil, boil for about 20 minutes until slightly softened. In a pan put 25 grams of butter and a tablespoon of sugar, let the butter melt and add the carrots and parsnips, in addition to these we add 2 tablespoons of peas, cook for 10 minutes.
Season the shells with salt and pepper. Put 25 g of butter in the fry pan and the chopped garlic clove, let the butter melt, put the shells and cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side.


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