Burek cu branza sarata- Filo pastry cheese pie
un pachet de foi de placinta
Ulei pentru uns foile, cam 2 linguri.
600 gr. Branza sarata
5 linguri iaurt grecesc sau samantana
2 oua
4 linguri smantana sau iaurt grecesc
1 ou
100 ml apa minerala
Preincalzim cuptorul la 170 de grade celsius. Punem branza in castron si o zero zdrobim cu furculita, adaugam iaurtul/smantana, ouale si amestecam sa se omogenizeze.
Intr-o tava(25×35) punem hartie de copt, luam 3 foi de placinta, le punem in tava si le ungem cu ulei, adaugam o treime din barnza, apoi iarasi luam 3 foi de placinta le punem in tava, le ungem, punem branza, iarasi 3 foi, ungem, punem branza iar la final punem ultimile foi si le ungem cu ulei.
Intr-un bol punem 4 linguri de smantana/iaurt, un ou si 100 ml de apa minerala, le amestecam si punem deasupra foilor, dam la cuptor 40-50 min.
A packet of filo pastry.
Oil to brush the sheets about 2 tablespoons
3 packets of salad cheese(600gr)
5 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt or cream fraiche
2 eggs.
Crush the cheese with a fork and add the rest and mix them together.
In a baking tray, place baking paper, take 3 sheets of filo pastry, brush them with oil and put 1/3 of cheese, another 3 sheets, brush them with oil, another 1/3 cheese, another 3 sheets of filo pastry, brush with oil and put the last cheese. Place the last sheets of filo pastry, brush with oil. In a bowl place 4 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt or cream fraiche, an egg and 100 ml sparkling water, mix them and place the composition on top of the last sheets of filo pastry. Before to strat preheat the oven at 170 celsius, and bake the pie for about 40-50 min , until it has a golden brown color like in the picture.
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