Bine ati venit pe blogul meu ! Va multumesc pentru ca mi-ati trecut pragul si sper ca retetele mele sa va inspire pentru a gati. Retetele vor fi in engleza si in romana. Va astept cu drag!!
WELCOME ON MY BLOG!! Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope that my recipes will inspire you for cooking. Recipes will be in English and Romanian as well! See you soon!
I just started to make some personalized cakes. Those ones are with vanilla filling . Doar ce am inceput sa fac torture personalizate, acestea sunt cu crema de vanilie
Stuffed duck , a really easy recipe, you will need just a few ingredients but the result is amazing . Rata umpluta, o reteta foarte usoara cu doar cateva ingredient, dar rezultatul este minunat.
My dears Banoffiee Pie is a delicious desset and it is so easy to make. You don't have to bake anything. I am inviting you to see how is made. Tarta Banoffee, este foarte buna si usor de facut. Nu trebuie coapta, asa ca va invit sa vedeti cum se face.
Hello my dears!!! After a long time I am back finaly. I missed to write , I missed you , I missed my blog. Even I don't have time now anymore like before, I am still cooking and baking :)). Now I brought you a nice cheesecake ,very easy to do it.