Cornulete in 2 culori- Mini croissants in 2 colours

Imi era tare pofta sa mananc cornulete de acest fel. Ce-I drept nu am mai facut de cativa ani buni, asa ca am facut acum de Craciun.
Portii: 1/2
Timp Total: 1hr-2hr.
600 gr faina
1 pliculet drojdie
esenta de vanilie
100 gr unt
200 ml lapte
2 linguri zahar
1 ou
1 lingura cacao
dulceata de zmeura
Drojdia se pune intr-un pahar cu o lingura de zahar si apa calda sa se dizolve si sa creasca.
 Se pun intr-un bol ouale, se adauga drojdia, zaharul, esenta de vanilie , untul moale , se amesteca foarte bine toate la un loc.
Se adauga treptat faina si se framanta bine , pana cand aluatul se desprinde de pe vas. Se imparte aluatul in doua, o parte se amesteca cu cacaoa si se lasa la crescut 30 min. Dupa ce a crescut se imparte aluatul in 3 sau 4 parti fiecare, si cel alb si cel maro.
Se ia cate o bucata din fiecare si se intinde, apoi se suprapun amadoua si se intind foarte bine, obtinand un rotund , pe care il taiem in triunghiuri ca la pizza. Se umplu cu dulceata, rahat sau ce doriti, se ruleaza , se pun in tava pe hartie de copt. Se coc timp de 15-20 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius.

P.S. Nu am mai facut sirop pentru ele.


Mini croissants in two colors

For filling them you can use whatever you like, I have used Turkish delight and raspberry jam.
Portion: 1/2
Total Time: 1-2hr
600 gr of flour
1tsp of yeast
vanilla extract, few drops
100 gr butter
200 ml milk
2 TBSP sugar
1 egg
1 TBSP cocoa powder
raspberry jam
Turkish delight
we have to start with the yeast. Put it in a glass with  a TBSP sugar and 2 Tbsp hot water, and leave it to dissolve few min. place in a bowl, soft butter, eggs, vanilla extract, milk and the yeast, stir them together very well. Add at the time the flour until the dough is getting off from the bowl walls.
Divide the dough into two, in one add cocoa powder and knead the dough. Leave them to rise about 30 min. Divide both doughs, into 3 or 4, take one of each and stretch it with a rolling pin , on a silicone mat with flour sprinkles. Put the white dough on the top of brown one and stretch them like that until you make a circle, not so thick. Cut the dough like a pizza, in small triangles , with a pizza cutter, place the jam or Turkish delight, or whatever you want and roll them.
Place them in a baking tray on a parchment paper, and bake them about 15-20 min in a preheated oven at 170 Celsius.



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